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Kids Bedroom Furniture Design For Deep & Secure Sleep

Kids Bedroom Furniture Design
Are you curious about will your kids bedroom help or restrict he's or she's childhood development? If Yes, then you are reading the right topic. Or maybe you are planing to design it, then the reading of this topic will lead you gentle in knowledges witch will help you to avoid serious problems in the feature. Although I will use statistics information of 5-11 year US kids, don't be mistakes and do not think that for your wonderful pre-mature infant, newborn or energetic toddler this is not suitable or "aaa... it's not for us". All sleep problems are developing until child reaches 3 years. After 3 years of children researches do not notice additional sleep problems and sleep patter stays almost the same. In other words, the sleep studies results of older children are derivation by caregivers influence and will in the first 3 years of childhood. The more you will be aware how to do correct influence on your shiny infant or toddler the more correct sleep patter he will have in all rest life, that haw big responsibility it is!

Commonly kids bedroom purpose not only to sleep in it, but game, plays, socialisation also commonly known funcions of this room. But in final end, as you will see, the main axis and the main purpose of childs room ir quality sleep. All othe activities, joys and relationship are turning around sleep to make it more quality. Quality sleep is the preference above all. And when you give the place number 1 as preference for your kid's sleep, all other daytime elements naturally find correct places.
Interesting facts! Children are sleeping 40% of theirs childhood. Almost 40% of them has sleep problems when reach school age.

Good & Bad Sleep Patterns. Consequences.

Now this is a list of properties which good sleep pattern must have:
  1. Sleep duration. In other words, the amount of sleep hours per 24 hour day. For 1-4 week old newborn is recommended 15-16 hours. For 1-12 month old newborn it is 14-15 hours, only 1 hour less. Your 1-3 years old toddler should sleep 12-14 hours. For 3-6 years kids it is 10-12 hours.
  2. Early bedtime 8:30 - 11:00 according to age. Bedtime after 11:00 pm is extremely harmful.
  3. Little or no night-to-nigh variation in sleep duration. Which means, that sleep time longevity every night should be the same.
And now throw quick look for a different list. It is about what can happen if sleep pattern is bad and 1 or more options from list above are missing:
  1. Perceiving, problem-solving, learning, creativity abilities are decreased, because in biological level brain intellectual processes are lowered.
  2. Child can obtain new or get sharpened already existing behavioural problems such as rough playing, ignoring what others are saying, being indifferent to environment, lying more.
  3. Incresed aggression.
  4. Significantly increased probability for physical accidents such as falls.
  5. Kid is experiencing excessive sleepiness at daytime.
Maybe you say, that it is not a big deal. How big this deal is let's look on Saudi primary school in US. Is is simple, average US primary school, where researches on sleep problems are done. In result appears that more than 37% kids have sleep problems. In other words, almost 40% of our children do not get enough sleep. A list of shredded sleep problems percentages is here:
  1. More than 26% of kids with problematic sleep have "bedtime resistance" problem.
  2. Almost 21% have "difficulty rising in the mornings" problem.
  3. And "sleep-onset delay" problem have almost 12%.
"Studies indicate that substantial number of elementary-school children in the United States are not getting enough sleep."
James C. Spilsbury, PhD of Behavioural Pediatrics And Psychology

The Power Of Encouragement To Maturity

Research document named "Effects Of Home Environment On Children Sleep" reveals the most powerful direct influencer for all sleep quality options. That is "Encouragement To Maturity". This is amazing. How clothes picking up or hands washing can be directly connected to sleep duration? Also according the same research this influence effects especially dramatically on girls. For girls this type of encouragement can lessen nightly variation option in 2 times. See how it works.
Caregivers parenting style which promotes strong encouragement to maturity leads to self-regulation skills in child. Such strengthened self-regulation and parent's active participation in kids daily routine inspires to originate more healthy sleep habits such as earlier supper, earlier bedtime, avoid TV or gaming after 8:00 pm. This leads to longer periods of deep sleep, so called "slow waves sleep" or "Delta sleep" that occurs before 11:00 pm. In turn this leads to increased growth hormone release so much needed by child's functions in daytime. The effect is strengthened by caregivers lower stress levels, because they get more time to rest also. This way increases health and communication quality for all family.

Interesting fact! Encouragement to maturity better works on girls, which night-to-night variation can be reduced in 2 times. While boys nightly variation stays almost unaffected.

The True About Bedroom Physical Environment Influence

And what about physical environment of the sleep? Let say... I will establish big size room with dark colours, noise blockers and perfect sleeping bed for my child bedroom. Will this guarantee that my kids sleep be in the best condition? This is almost true, but not so fast. Physical sleep environment establishment has real connection with quality sleep, but this connection is indirect. All environment establishment details should be placed in more convenient for kid to be mature. Such strong maturity encouragement from environment will lead to desired quality sleep. In other words, the more kids bedroom furniture details are proper for putting toys into places, making bed, washing hands, bringing clothes and even cleaning the more healthy sleep will be.
In this place comes in the crucial importance of kids bedroom furniture security. It has direct impact for lowering stress level that appears in the process of maturity, when child can simply fall down from unstable furniture. I will explain this by example about simple little chair for kids.
Let say typical little chair with hight armrests was bought for 1 year old kid, that is stepping into toddler's time. Perhaps it can be done just before celebrating 1 year birthday for neighbour children to come and eat the birthday cake. The wooden chair is new and seems stable enough. The fact is that toddlers are so energetic, that they moves lots of around all things and around small chair especially. Because of this the chair naturally becomes unstable and loose in 1 or 2 years of usage. And it looks like not a big deal, because for sitting it seems stable enough and armrest seems helps also. Bet now, when the kid grows up until 3 years old and weights about 13-15 kg, she or he was encouraged by parent to rinse hands by himself. As washbasin heigh is for adults, the kid uses our chair to lift up. The chairs in-stability and high armrests now can play crucial role for (as minimum) inner insecurity feeling or (as maximum) falling accident. To avoid such terrible consequences that can rise from such simple peace of furniture as chair we should buy it with angular stumps, without armrests and with adult weight capasity. Such small, but important details has real influence on child maturity, sleep wellness and emotional climate of environment in general.
"Confidence comes with maturity, being more accepting of yourself." Nicole Scherzinger